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Program Philosophy

Increasingly, progress in the study of neurobiology requires multidisciplinary approaches that draw from electrophysiology, molecular biology, genetics, behavior and cognitive neuroscience. We have created a program that trains students in all of these areas.

Students receive lectures in these diverse topics in the core curriculum and basic lab skills in all areas in the bootcamps. Rotations in three laboratories give students broad experience in research questions from these disciplines.

Thesis laboratories are available in over 80 laboratories from 26 participating departments. Students will receive a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, no matter which department their labs are appointed in.

Lectures from visiting scientists, our symposium at the Snowbird Resort, and student retreats expose students to research being conducted internationally. We consider the training of neuroscientists to be our most important mandate.

What makes the University of Utah Neuroscience Ph.D. Program unique?

Last Updated: 6/7/24