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Program Outcomes

Interdepartmental Program in Neuroscience

  • The University of Utah's Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Neuroscience is an interdepartmental graduate program designed to provide predoctoral students with a broadbased training in neuroscience disciplines. Founded in 1986.
  • Only interdepartmental program at U of U that offers a Ph.D.
  • Established to offer students broader training in neuroscience
    • Wider choice of mentors than is available in a conventional department- or program/institute-based program
    • Offers opportunities for Ph.D. students to train in clinical departments (students currently in Neurology, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry)
  • Comprised of 76 participating faculty and 15 associate faculty from 19 Departments across five colleges
  • In the renewal process of NIH T32 Jointly Sponsored Neuroscience Training grant (Richard Dorsky, PI; Funding period July 2006-June 2016)
  • Currently have 49 students in the program
    • 5 with individual predoctoral NRSA Fellowships
    • 2 on Vision Training Grant
    • 1 on Genetics Training Grant
    • 1 in MD/PhD program
    • 1 Graduate Fellowship Award
  • Students organize the Brain Awareness Week public/school outreach events each year in the Salt Lake Valley with outreach to ~1000 students/year.

Program Statistics:

  •  79% overall completion rate
  • Average time to degree is 6.0 years
  • For students who graduated between 2008-2014, 98% are in science-related positions:

Alumni Chart

Chart 1998-2008

  • Department Representation (Top chart is proportional distribution of current Neuroscience Program students across departments. Bottom chart is proportion of faculty from departments participating in teaching or committee work in Neuroscience Program.)

Student labs


Last Updated: 7/17/24