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Name Area of Research Department Research
Ahmed, Ismail Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Neurobiology Neuropeptides; Oxytocin; Vasopressin; Neuroplasticity; Neuromodulation; Maternal Behavior; Maternal Physiology; Social Behavior; Chemical Biology; Neurotechnology; Tool Development; Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Angelucci, Alessandra Brain and Behavior Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Structure and function of the visual cerebral cortex
Balagurunathan, Kuberan (Kuby) Molecular Medicinal Chemistry Determining biological roles of heparan sulfate (HS) at the molecular level in the CNS. Designing new carbohydrate-based drugs to tackle CNS diseases
Bernstein, Paul S. Neurobiology of Disease Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Biochemistry and biophysics of nutritional interventions against ocular disease; carotenoid and omega-3 fatty acid metabolism and function in the human retina; genetics of macular and retina dystrophies and degenerations
Bonkowsky, Joshua Developmental, Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease Pediatrics Axon pathfinding and development of basal ganglia; function of language genes in CNS development
Borisyuk, Alla Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior, Cellular Mathematics Computational Neuroscience
Bosch, Justin Developmental, Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Human Genetics Cell Signaling; Genetics; Development; Inter-organ communication; Drosophila; CRISPR; plasma proteomics
Brasch, Julia Developmental, Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Biochemistry Synaptic Organization, Cell-Cell Adhesion, Structural Biology, Electron Cryo-tomography, cryo-EM, X-ray Crystallography, Biophysics
Brennan, K.C. Neurobiology of Disease Neurology Optical and electrophysiological investigation of the basic mechanisms of migraine
Capecchi, Mario R. Brain and Behavior School of Biological Sciences, Human Genetics Gene manipulation in mammalian and other eukaryotic cells
Caron, Sophie Developmental, Molecular, Brain and Behavior, Cellular School of Biological Sciences Sensory representations in the Drosophila brain
Chow, Clement Developmental, Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease Human Genetics Genetic variation, Genomics, ER stress, Disease modifiers
Coon, Hilary Brain and Behavior Psychiatry Genetics of autism, suicide risk, nicotine dependence, and obesity; application of statistical methods to genetic data
Creem-Regehr, Sarah Brain and Behavior Psychology Cognitive neuroscience; visual perception; visual-motor control; spatial cognition
Dalrymple, Ashley Neurobiology of Disease Biomedical Engineering, Physical Medicine & Rehabi Spinal cord neuromodulation, spinal reflexes, spinal plasticity after neural injury and electrical stimulation, motor control
Davis, Zachary W. Neurobiology of Disease Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Mechanisms underlying sensory perception Identifying diagnostic biomarkers and intervention targets for impairments of the visual system
Deans, Michael Developmental, Molecular, Cellular Surgery (Division of Otolaryngology) Mechanisms of sensory system development and cellular morphogenesis
Dennis, Emily Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Neurology Neuroimaging in traumatic brain injury
DePaula-Silva, Ana Beatriz Neurobiology of Disease Pharmacology and Toxicology Viral-host interactions in association with the development of neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, focusing mechanistically on the involvement of CNS-infiltrating immune cells to the development of epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.
Dorval, "Chuck" Alan D. Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior, Cellular Biomedical Engineering Neuropathophysioloy, Translational Neuroscience, Neuromodulation, Neuronal Semiotic
Douglass, Adam Cellular Neurobiology Functional anatomy of neuromodulatory circuits; learning and memory in the larval zebrafish; imaging technique development
Drew, Trafton Brain and Behavior Psychology Attention, working memory, medical image perception, EEG, ERPs, Eye-tracking
Fleckenstein, Annette E. Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior, Cellular School of Dentistry Neuropharmacology, neurochemistry and aminergic transporters
Frost, Nicholas Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Neurology Organization of activity across distributed circuits
George, Jacob Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Electrical and Computer Engineering Our research seeks to augment biological neural networks with artificial neural networks and bionic devices to treat neurological disorders and to further our understanding of neural processing
Grunwald, David J. Developmental, Neurobiology of Disease Human Genetics Tissue specification during zebrafish embryogenesis
Heys, Jim Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior, Cellular Neurobiology Uncovering the synaptic, cellular and circuit mechanisms underlying learning and memory
Inman, Cory Brain and Behavior Psychology Cognitive neuroscience of emotion and memory in laboratory and real-world environments using intracranial EEG, deep brain stimulation, eye tracking, virtual reality, and augmented reality in humans
Jennings, Skyler Brain and Behavior Communication Sciences and Disorders Understanding how the auditory system adapts to a changing acoustic environment in order to facilitate speech understanding in a noisy background.
Jones, Bryan Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Retinal circuitry/connectomics and neural plasticity in retinal disease
Jorgensen, Erik M. Molecular, Cellular School of Biological Sciences Mechanisms of synaptic function
Keefe, Kristen A. Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior, Cellular Pharmacology and Toxicology Pharmacology of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, including drug abuse and addiction. Normal and pathological functions of the basal ganglia
King, Jace Developmental, Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Radiology Investigating cognitive aging, structural and functional brain imaging, social determinants of health, and markers of biological and physical health, effects of CBD and THC using MRI brain scans and simultaneous EEG-fMRI, novel metrics of brain Dynamics in Alzheimer’s disease
Korenberg, Julie R. Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Pediatrics Genetics, neurobiology and multiscale imaging of neural circuitry for disorders of social behavior, animal and human models
Krizaj, David Cellular Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Calcium regulation and synaptic communication in the vertebrate retina
Kubanek, Jan Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Biomedical Engineering Remote Neural Interfacing
Kwan, Kristen Developmental, Molecular, Brain and Behavior, Cellular Human Genetics Zebrafish, Eye Development and Morphogenesis
Lamb, Tracey Neurobiology of Disease Pathology Malaria pathogenesis
Langenecker, Scott A. Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Psychiatry Neuroscience of mood disorders across the life span: Multifaceted Explorations of the Neurobiology of Depressive Disorders (MEND2)
Letsou, Anthea Developmental, Neurobiology of Disease Human Genetics Embryonic Development Neurobiology
Link, Nichole Developmental, Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Neurobiology Drosophila models of microcephaly and neurological disease
Mao, Qinwen Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Pathology Diagnosis and research of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias with a focus on biofluid biomarker discovery, and targeted therapies for neurodegenerative diseases. The research of the neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic brain injury with a focus on elucidating novel molecular pathways involved in neuroinflammation
Maricq, Andres Villu Molecular Neurobiology The workings of synapses: molecular mechanisms regulating neurotransmission in C. elegans
McDonnell, Fiona Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Glaucoma pathophysiology
McIntosh, J. Michael Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior, Cellular Psychiatry, School of Biological Sciences Molecular Pharmacology of CNS receptors and ion channels
Mickey, Brian J. Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Psychiatry Neuroscience of mood disorders
Mills, Fergil Brain and Behavior Neurobiology Understanding circuits in the brain that underlie learned and innate motivated behaviors
Nategh, Neda Brain and Behavior Electrical and Computer Engineering Computational understanding of the brain's dynamic vision functions, neuro-inspired artificial vision
Noudoost, Behrad Brain and Behavior Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Neuronal basis and neuromodulatory pathways of visual attention
Olivera, Baldomero M. Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease School of Biological Sciences Ion channels, membrane receptors and sensory transduction
Osterhout, Jessica Brain and Behavior Neurobiology The molecular, cellular and circuit mechanisms driving sickness symptoms and behaviors
Park, Sungjin Developmental, Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Neurobiology Signal transduction mechanism in the nervous system focusing on the role of GPI-anchored proteins and their regulatory enzymes on neuron-glia communication
Payne, Brennan Brain and Behavior Psychology Cognitive Neuroscience; Aging; Language; Memory; Event-Related Brain Potentials; EEG; Eye-Movement Control
Pettine, Warren Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Psychiatry Investigation on how attention shapes decision making, and how that process can be altered in conditions such as autism, depression or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Pulst, Stefan M. Neurobiology of Disease Neurology Inherited diseases of the nervous system with an emphasis on spinocerebellar ataxias and Parkinson's disease
Rabbitt, Richard D. Brain and Behavior, Cellular Biomedical Engineering Biophysics and neurophysiology of the inner ear
Renshaw, Perry Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Psychiatry In vivo neurochemical changes associated with mood and drug abuse disorders; natural products as novel treatments
Rose, Gary Brain and Behavior School of Biological Sciences Information processing in the auditory and electrosensory systems
Rothenfluh, Adrian Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior, Cellular Psychiatry Modeling Addiction and other Neuropsychiatric Illnesses in Drosophila
Roy, Suva Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Adaptive computations in the retina; Visual signaling between the retina and the brain
Scoles, Daniel Neurobiology of Disease Neurology Disease mechanisms and therapeutic development for spinocerebellar ataxias, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease.
Shcheglovitov, Oleksandr (Alex) Developmental, Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Neurobiology Development and function of human synapses in health and disease
Shepherd, Jason Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Neurobiology Synaptic plasticity, memory encoding, experience-dependent plasticity in visual cortex and neurological disorders
Shofty, Ben Brain and Behavior, Cellular Neurosurgery Investigation of high-order cognition and network dependent functions such as creativity and mind wondering, as well as novel interventions for OCD, depression and PTSD.
Smith, Elliot Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior, Cellular Neurosurgery Human neuronal computations underlying cognition
Taylor, Norman Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Anesthesiology Chronic and neuropathic pain
Tian, Ning Developmental, Cellular Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Development of retinal synaptic circuitry
Venero-Galanternik, Marina Developmental, Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Human Genetics Mechanisms regulating Meningeal Development
Vetter, Monica Developmental, Neurobiology of Disease Neurobiology Molecular pathways regulating the genesis and degeneration of neurons in the vertebrate nervous system
Vickers, Neil Brain and Behavior School of Biological Sciences Neuroethology of olfaction
Vierra, Nicholas Molecular, Cellular School of Biological Sciences Understanding of how neurons convert electrical signals into specific biochemical responses remains limited; Generating the knowledge and tools needed for understanding the molecular mechanisms that couple electrical signals to fundamental neuronal processes
Vinberg, Frans Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Physiology and pathophysiology in the mammalian/primate retina. Calcium regulation and feedback mechanisms in photoreceptor and retinal pigment epithelium cells.
Wachowiak, Matt Brain and Behavior, Cellular Neurobiology Neural coding and circuit mechanisms underlying sensory processing and perception
West, Peter J. Neurobiology of Disease Pharmacology and Toxicology Neuropharmacology of synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory in epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and Down syndrome
Wilcox, Karen S. Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Pharmacology and Toxicology Electrophysiological mechanisms of action of novel anticonvulsant drugs
Wilde, Elisabeth A. Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Neurology Neuroimaging to enhance diagnosis and prognosis, monitor recovery and neurodegeneration, evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic intervention, and elucidate aspects of neuroplasticity in traumatic brain injury
Williams, Megan E. Developmental, Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Neurobiology Molecular mechanisms that regulate synapse formation and specificity of neural circuits
Yamaguchi, Ayako Brain and Behavior School of Biological Sciences Neural Mechanisms Underlying Sexually Distinct Behavior
Yang, Jun Developmental, Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Pathogenetic mechanisms of retinal degeneration and cell biology of photoreceptors
Yurgelun-Todd, Deborah Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Psychiatry Investigation on how attention shapes decision making, and how that process can be altered in conditions such as autism, depression or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Yurgelun-Todd, Deborah Developmental, Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior Psychiatry Application of MR imaging methods to understand emotional processing and cognitive changes associated with behavioral disorders
Zelikowsky, Moriel Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior, Cellular Neurobiology Neural circuits underlying psychogenic stress
Zhang, Jie Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Brain and Behavior, Cellular Anesthesiology Cellular and molecular mechanisms of pain and fatigue
Zhu, Weiquan Molecular, Neurobiology of Disease, Cellular Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Vascular instability in the progress of diseases specifically in the central neural system including retina
Last Updated: 6/4/21